Soil compaction is a common issue that lawns in Oklahoma encounter. Having your lawn aerated will fix the issue, and core and liquid aeration are the two types of methods that will get the job done. Core aeration is one method of aerating your lawn that involves pulling up plugs of soil from your turf using an aerator machine. Meanwhile, liquid aeration involves applying a liquid treatment across your lawn to create tiny pores in the soil to alleviate soil compaction. Both are great options, but the choice for your turf will depend on its need. Spring or fall is the best time to schedule aeration because your lawn is at its strongest during these seasons.

What is the difference between liquid aeration and core aeration?

Aerator tines with soil cores on a lawn in Tulsa, OK.

Core aeration is a method of aerating your lawn that involves using an aerator machine to mechanically pull up plugs of soil from the ground and loosen up compacted soil. The process creates holes in the ground that act as channels for nutrients, water, and sunlight to pass through and reach the roots of your grass. There will also be cores of soil on your lawn after core aeration, which will decompose eventually and release nutrients into the soil.

Meanwhile, liquid aeration is another method of aerating your lawn that involves applying a liquid treatment across your lawn. Liquid aeration creates tiny pores in the soil that help alleviate soil compaction. It makes the soil more porous so more nutrients and other vital resources can easily penetrate the ground and get absorbed by the roots.

Is liquid aeration or core aeration better?

Both methods of lawn aeration are great. Core aeration and liquid aeration, at their core, will both loosen up compact soil and help improve your lawn's overall health. However, there are certain differences between the two aeration methods.

Core aeration is great for lawns with heavily compacted soil. The process of mechanically pulling soil plugs from the ground will break up densely compacted soil and deliver quick results. If your lawn has compacted soil and is in poor health, liquid aeration will work better for you. This method is gentler on lawns and will provide it with micronutrients!

When should you schedule lawn aeration?

Spring and fall are the best times to schedule your lawn aeration service. Aerating your lawn in the spring helps open up the soil and ensure it has easy access to the nutrients it needs to get back to active growth again. It is a great way to set up your lawn for success for the growing season.

Fall is also an ideal time to aerate your lawn because they are strong enough during this time. If you opt for core aeration, your lawn will be able to tolerate the process well. This means it will be able to heal from being perforated easily. What's more, aerating your lawn in the fall is a great way to help your lawn recover from summer and prepare for winter!

Make sure you have your lawn aerated every year to ensure it always has good access to nutrients.

Call our team today to sign up for our lawn aeration service!

If your lawn is not doing as well as you hoped it would be, it's time to look under your grass and into the soil. Here at LBR, we offer our lawn aeration service to help address soil compaction and ensure the roots of your grass can access nutrients well! This service is offered to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in Tulsa, Owasso, Broken Arrow, and neighboring areas in Oklahoma. We offer both liquid and core aeration in the spring and fall. Give us a call today at (918) 252-5296 to sign up for our lawn aeration service!